
Pragmatic Drag and Drop, the ultimate drag and drop library?

Ever since I started using React I have used react-dnd for any drag and drop interactions. It is super flexible and allows for handling files and drag across windows since it used the browser’s drag and drop API. For some reason, I never really clicked with the API and for me it never felt easy […]

May 10, 2024

First blog redesign in 8 years, sort of

If you a reading this on then you might not see any difference. If you are on then you will be seeing the new site. It’s hard to believe that the last redesign of my blog was all the way back in 2014. I made a few tweaks back in 2019, but for […]

November 28, 2023

Thoughts on the React rollercoaster

The longer you work in the web field the more you notice the pendulum swinging from one extreme to the other. Is this just the latest swing of the pendulum from the SPA to SSR extremes?

March 23, 2023