
Building a wide-gamut colour picker

Now that browsers support wide-colour gamuts with P3, I have been wanting to build a colour picker that could select colours from outside the standard sRGB gamut. As the feature became more broadly available in browsers I’d seen a few examples popup from various people such as Gradient.style, the ColorJS.io picker demo, and OKLCH.com. However, […]

December 14, 2023

Creating a mathematical colour picker

The most common technique for creating a colour picker (at least in the ActionScript world) seems to use a colour wheel bitmap and then getting the colour of the pixel that was clicked on. I found that this was not a very accurate way to go about it and decided to build a colour picker […]

February 28, 2014

AS3 Uint Colour Util – Update: Now with source

Since Flash works with colour in the hex format, I’m always finding it annoying how you have to convert to RGB to perform manipulations on colours. Most colour classes out there like Grant Skinners Color Matrix and the ColorMatrix by Quasimondo work with matrices and the ColourTransform class, which is OK sometimes. But I find […]

March 29, 2011