
AS3 Getting colours blended between two other colours

Here is another function that can be added to my ColourUtil class. This one gets a specified number of colour steps between two blended colours. I thought it would be much harder to achieve than it is, luckily the AS3 Color class has the static method interpolateColor which calculates a single colour at a specified […]

November 18, 2012

AS3 Hex Colour Dodge blending utility

The following is a function that takes two hex colours – a top colour and a bottom colour – and blends them using the Colour Dodge blend mode as found in Illustrator of Photoshop. This is handy for dynamically generating colour variants based on the blend mode. Instead of blending two display objects it simply […]

November 12, 2012

Multitouch Paint

Multitouch Paint ( I haven’t given it a proper name yet) is a painting application I have been working on over the last couple weeks. Basically I wanted to create an app that was more then simple solid lines you see with most other Flash painting programs. I wanted something that was more like paint […]

November 8, 2010