
Adding console.log() to AIR’s HTMLLoader

Here is a little code snipped I thought I’d post for future reference and may help someone else out. I was using the HTMLLoader class in Adobe AIR to load content and I came across an error where my Javascript was calling console.log(). In the AIR HTMLLoader environment this function does not exist so I […]

July 13, 2012

A simple way to get native alerts with Adobe AIR

In an AIR project I am currently working on I wanted to have native alert boxes in my app rather than building custom pop up boxes. There is no built in way to get native alerts in AIR and I remembered reading this interview over at a while back where a developer at Illume used StageWebView […]

March 8, 2012

Leveraging iOS hardware via the browser with Javascript

Just another quick post tonight. I have bigger one lined up for tomorrow I promise. I just wanted to show a little experiment I did a while back with JavaScript – accessing the Accelerometer and Compass data in Safari on the iPad. Below is a short video demonstrating it if you don’t have access to an […]

October 31, 2011

Creating a HTML version of this blog’s header

Update: this post was made when I was using a different blog design. Please view the original swf file here. Below is a little experiment I did which involved creating a version of this blog’s image flipping Flickr feed header (which I made in Flash) – in HTML/CSS/Javascript. Luckily jQuery includes a JSON parsing feature […]

September 22, 2011

painty – A simple HTML5 web app for the iPad

As you may know I have been mucking around with HTML5’s canvas element lately. Here is an evolution of the paint mixing example I showed a couple posts back. I decided to turn it into a simple iPad web app. Check out the video below and visit the following URL on an iPad to try […]

August 14, 2011

Javascript and Canvas wet paint mixing

Here is an experiment I did to learn how the HTML5 Canvas tag works. I wanted to know how to manipulate pixels so I attempted to port my AS3 paint mixing to Javascript. I was surprised by the performance although it doesn’t seem to be as fast as the Flash version, and it is definitely […]

June 23, 2011