Local AJAX calls with IE11
Here is a little snippet to get local AJAX (with jQuery) working when running content locally in IE 11. Local content is not allowed to use the XMLHttpRequest but it can use the proprietary ActiveXObject, so this tells jQuery to always use the ActiveXObject if it’s available. I needed to use this to run local […]
Javascript voice control
Since Chrome 25 we have had access to the new Web Speech API which allows us to create web apps that can utilse voice to text or voice control with a microphone. I have been wanting to experiment with this for quite a while so I built simple example to using voice commands to control […]
Creating a mathematical colour picker
The most common technique for creating a colour picker (at least in the ActionScript world) seems to use a colour wheel bitmap and then getting the colour of the pixel that was clicked on. I found that this was not a very accurate way to go about it and decided to build a colour picker […]
Reverse engineering Captivate for HTML5 widgets
Adobe Captivate is pretty horrible, especially the HTML5 output. I feel like I’m banging my head against a wall every time I use it. The HTML5 output is riddled with bugs and most of the features simply don’t work. If there is one upside to the HTML5 publishing though (and there aren’t many), it’s the […]
Webcam to canvas or data URI with HTML5 and Javascript
This post has been sitting around unfinished since April so I thought I should finish it and get it out there. In this post I am going to show how you can capture an image from a webcam via JavaScript and convert it to a Data URI which can then be saved in a database […]
Creating HTML5 widgets for Adobe Captivate 6/7
I decided to write this post due to the frustration and lack of information out there on how to make HTML5 widgets for Adobe Captivate. There is almost no documentation on this and the only useful article I could find was riddled with mistakes. My approach may not be the best but this should get […]
Windows 8 start screen in HTML, CSS and Javascript
About 7 or 8 months ago I built a tile based launch page at work to launch learning modules which looked similar to the Windows 8 start screen. When I had spare time I kept building on and adding 3D animations to match it even closer to Windows 8. Then I kind of forgot about […]
Getting all element attribute values with jQuery
Here is a little snippet which I have found extremely useful especially when working with XML in Javascript. You can use the following to loop through all of an element’s attributes and store them in an object: So for example if we have the following XML node: After running the snippet above on the node […]
AS3 / JS Constrain a value in one line
Here is a little snippet to constrain a value in a single line. It works by using two nested inline conditionals. The ‘else’ part of the first conditional is another conditional. It may not be the best approach but it works and is much easier and faster to write than two if-else statements. In English […]
JS Transform Handles
The other day I was playing around with Mozilla’s Popcorn Maker and I had the idea of using HTML/JS/CSS to create transformable divs using transform handles and a bounding box. I did a quick search for any existing examples of HTML transform handles but i couldn’t find anything so I decided to give it a […]