PixelPerfect digital art wall
Update: It has come to my attention that some companies have been claiming that Classy Event Group is just a software reseller for Virtual Graffiti Wall. This is entirely untrue. I have worked with Classy Event Group to design and develop this software for them. Classy Event Group is the sole owner of this software […]
Opening a file in a non-default application with Adobe AIR
On a current project I had to launch files in an application that was not Windows’ default app for opening. Specifically – I needed to open images in Photoshop or Fireworks from my AIR app, even when the default app for .png and .jpg is the Windows Photo Viewer. As you might already know the File […]
Paint Maestro 2 sneak peek
I was going to record a full demo of my upcoming multitouch painting application ‘Paint Maestro 2’, but I had some technical difficulties so here is a small demo of the stencils. The application is written in AS3 and uses Adobe AIR. I posted this video over at NUI Group a couple weeks ago and […]
Reading and Writing your own file type with AS3 and AIR
If your building an AIR application and you want to have your own native custom file type association for your app, it is surprisingly easy to to with ActionScript 3 in air as I found out. I was unable to find any information on reading and writing custom files so I decided to post my […]
Drawing a checker board pattern quickly with AS3
Today I needed to dynamically generate a checker board pattern in ActionScript 3. I couldn’t find any examples on how to do it so I made my own. Below is a snippet of code I wrote to draw it and its super fast! I used bitwise operators in the loops to speed it up and […]
NiceComps – AS3 UI components for Flash
NiceComps is a set of ActionScript 3 UI components that I have been slowly working on over about the last six months. I got tired of the ugly built in components that come with Flash and I don’t particularly like the look of MinimalComps. I wanted UI components that looked nice and were easy to […]
AS3 Uint Colour Util – Update: Now with source
Since Flash works with colour in the hex format, I’m always finding it annoying how you have to convert to RGB to perform manipulations on colours. Most colour classes out there like Grant Skinners Color Matrix and the ColorMatrix by Quasimondo work with matrices and the ColourTransform class, which is OK sometimes. But I find […]
Jackson Pollock – From AS2 to AS3
I found a Jackson Pollock style painting example written in AS2 called ‘Splatter’ over at stamen.com. I wanted to include a Pollock style brush in my painting application so I converted it into AS3. Just copy and past the following code into a new AS3 document in Flash.
Spray Paint stenciling in Flash
After seeing the Wii Spray demo videos a year or so ago I have since been wondering how they did the stencils. I couldn’t find any information on how to achieve an effect like paint stenciling so today I decided to give it a shot myself. Below is a small demo where you can have […]
Multitouch Paint – Part 2
Here is an updated version of my MT Paint application. Some of the improvements are: New UI (work in progress) Custom canvas size Up to 5 Layers with Merge and Duplicate Layer Blend Modes, Opacity and Visibilty Load in Image to layer Get Colour From Layer – select a layer to live sample colours from […]