
Creating a mathematical colour picker

The most common technique for creating a colour picker (at least in the ActionScript world) seems to use a colour wheel bitmap and then getting the colour of the pixel that was clicked on. I found that this was not a very accurate way to go about it and decided to build a colour picker […]

February 28, 2014

Windows ANE for native dialogs

My post on creating native alerts with Adobe AIR has proven to be quite popuplar so I decided to follow it up with something even better (at least for Windows apps). Recently I have been dabbling in a bit of C# for creating Windows Store apps as well as some C/C++ to try and figure […]

May 24, 2013

Converting video with FFmpeg and Adobe AIR

Something I have been wanting to do for a while now is build a video converter into my Module Builder to enable automatic conversion of video into the various web friendly formats but I could never find a way to do it. Over the weekend I discovered this tutorial on playing back any video in […]

February 4, 2013

Uploading video from iPad to server with AIR for iOS

In this part 2 post following on from Record and play back video with AIR for iOS on iPad I will show you how to take your freshly recorded video and upload it to a web server using PHP. Assuming you have a MovieClip or some other button labeled ‘uploadbtn’ you first need to add […]

January 24, 2013

Virtual Graffiti Wall on Today in the US

Recently the Virtual Graffiti Wall application (formerly Pixel Perfect) I built for Classy Event Group was featured on the morning show Today in the US. Check out the 2 minute segment in the below video. The app is built on Adobe AIR and is multi-user/multi-touch enabled. Features include: The system is available for rental world […]

January 23, 2013

AS3 – Split a camel case string

This is a little helper function which takes a string in camel case (camelCase) or pascal case (PascalCase) and splits it into separate words. The capitaliseFirst parameter will capitalise the first character in the first word if the string is in camel case.

January 19, 2013

Record and play back video with AIR for iOS on iPad

Recently I needed to figure out how to create an iPad app when you can record and play back video from the iPad’s camera, and then upload to it to a server using AIR for iOS. I wasn’t able to find a whole lot of info on it and so I eventually pieced it together […]

December 3, 2012

AS3 / JS Constrain a value in one line

Here is a little snippet to constrain a value in a single line. It works by using two nested inline conditionals. The ‘else’ part of the first conditional is another conditional. It may not be the best approach but it works and is much easier and faster to write than two if-else statements. In English […]

November 29, 2012

AS3 Getting colours blended between two other colours

Here is another function that can be added to my ColourUtil class. This one gets a specified number of colour steps between two blended colours. I thought it would be much harder to achieve than it is, luckily the AS3 Color class has the static method interpolateColor which calculates a single colour at a specified […]

November 18, 2012

AS3 Hex Colour Dodge blending utility

The following is a function that takes two hex colours – a top colour and a bottom colour – and blends them using the Colour Dodge blend mode as found in Illustrator of Photoshop. This is handy for dynamically generating colour variants based on the blend mode. Instead of blending two display objects it simply […]

November 12, 2012