Recreating the Apple Watch UI using a hexagonal grid
Building on the hexagonal grid from earlier, I have added a little JavaScript and have created an effect similar to the Apple Watch home screen UI. Below is a video of it in action, I am using IE11 (metro version) on a Surface Pro 2 which I found to be the most performant for this […]
Triggering a ‘finish’ event on an external video with Storyline HTML5
If you have at some point needed to use Articulate Storyline – you have probably come to a point where you want to murder everyone around you (not literally of course!) due to its ridiculous, quirky limitations. More often than not I find myself hacking the published code to make things works how I want. […]
CSS Diamond grid
Following on from the last post I decided to play a bit more with the hexagonal grid and created a diamond grid. It works similar to the last grid except it uses squares rotated 45 degrees, so it is basically a regular grid tipped on its side with even-odd number alternating rows. Here is a […]
CSS Hexagonal packed grid
Most grids are square packed – that is each cell is stacked like a block which is great, but if you are after something slightly different maybe you should try a hexagonally packed grid. I will show you how to create a hexagonally packed grid using only CSS. But first, here is the difference between […]
Inspiring Inspiration #15
A collection of cool video, motion graphics and interface design.